Health and Environment

Ultrafine particle concentrations similar to “those found in ambient air”

In this 2012, researchers compared the concentrations of ultrafine particles in emissions coming from Waste-to-Energy plants, vehicular traffic, wood combustion boilers, oil combustion boilers, natural gas combustion. They also assessed these concentrations in comparison to ambient air.

Key findings

“For all [Waste-to-Energy] plants studied, the concentrations measured are consistently lower by at least two orders of magnitude compared with those found for wood and oil combustion in domestic boilers, and only slightly higher than those produced by natural gas boilers;” p. 30

Full Study

Reference: S. Cernuschi, S. Consonni and M. Giugliano, Emissioni di Polveri Fini e Ultrafini da impianti di combustione, Politecnico di Milano, 2012.