CEWEP Congress

Speakers of CEWEP Congress 2025 in Gdansk

Below you will find the list of speakers and panellists that will participate in the CEWEP Waste-to-Energy Congress 2025.

CEWEP Congress, Thursday 5th June 2025

From Policy to Implementation


by Aleksandra Dulkiewicz, Mayor of Gdánsk (TBC)

Welcome and Introduction

Paul De Bruycker is CEWEP president since 2017.

Paul obtained a master’s degree in bio-engineering at the UGent. He joined Indaver at its start in 1986 and held different management positions before he became CEO of the Indaver-group in 2011. He currently serves as Chairman Board of Directors Indaver.

With a career of over 40 years in the waste industry, Paul is a respected senior expert in waste management and waste legislation. He has contributed to several books and published a large amount of articles that are considered to be references in the environmental field and waste treatment industry. He holds board mandates both in companies and joint-ventures associated with Indaver as well as in federations and associations in the waste treatment and chemical industry. He is chairman of Vlaanderen Circulair, a partnership of the government, companies, civil society, and the knowledge community that together form the Flemish transition platform to the circular economy.

Indaver is a leading European waste management company specialised in the treatment and management of industrial and municipal waste. With 2000 employees Indaver generates a turnover of 650 mio EUR and manages about 6 million tonnes of waste.

What are the Benefits of Waste Law Implementation?

Amalia Cerdà Lacaci Amalia Cerdà Lacaci holds a PhD in Chemical Sciences and a Master Degree on Environmental Sciences and Engineering. Since 1997, she has held several positions in Environmental and Business Management fields at TIRME S.A., the municipal waste management company of Mallorca. Here, she currently serves as the Chief Strategy Officer, working on topics related to Sustainability, Circular Economy, Environment and Climate, Quality, Human Resources and Occupational Health & Safety. She is also a professor lector at the University of the Balearic Islands in the Chemistry Department.

On behalf of the Spanish Association of Municipal Waste to Energy Plants (AEVERSU), Amalia participates in meetings and working groups at national and European level, amongst which as chair of CEWEP’s Working Group Emission Control. She has acted as advisor in the last revision of both the Waste Incineration and Waste Treatment BREF documents, being member of the corresponding Technical Working Groups set up by the European IPPC Bureau.

Amalia co-authored three books related to the automation of environmental analytical methods, and has several environmental research articles to her name. She has participated in several research projects of the European Union, Spanish, and Regional Governments.

Jakub Bator currently holds a position on the Management Board of Krakowski Holding Komunalny S.A., responsible for the operation of the Thermal Waste Treatment Plant in Cracow (Eco-incinerator). As co-founder and Vice President of the Association of Energy Producers from Waste (SPEO), and Vice President of the Confederation of European Waste-to-Energy Plants (CEWEP), his responsibilities include shaping the future of energy production from waste. Active membership in the European Federation of Local Energy Companies (CEDEC) further extends professional engagement. Since 2011, his responsibilities have included the role of Measure Authorising Officer for the construction of the Waste-to-Energy Plant, with a focus on managing resource distribution and securing project authorizations. Currently Jakub is also engaged in PhD studies at AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow and his research is directed towards utilizing high-calcium fly ash from thermal waste processing in carbonation processes. Jakub’s career is focused on consistently improving management methods and supporting new, sustainable practices in the waste-to-energy field.


Kata Tüttő, Vice-Chair Committee on the Environment, Climate Change and Energy, Committee of the Regions (TBC)

Fireside Chat

Karolina D’Cunha, Acting Head of Waste to Resources Unit, DG Environment, European Commission

Energy Policy Implementation and WtE: What Does it Mean for District Heating?

Jacek Szymczak, President of the Management Board, Polish District Heating Association – IGCP

Tomorrow Today: Decarbonising Waste

Keynote Intro

Krzysztof Bolesta, Ministry of Climate and Environment, Poland (TBC)

CCUS – The State of Play


Carbon Removals Through Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS)

Johan Börje, Business Development, Stockholm Exergi, Sweden

Panel Discussion: How WtE Operators Across Europe Envision Carbon Capture?

Björn Fredriksson Möller, CCS Strategist, Öresundskraft Kraft & Värme AB, Sweden

Stefano Tondini, Head of WtE, HERAmbiente, Italy

More to be announced

The Future of WtE

Overview of WtE Markets

Mark Döing has over 20 years of experience in the waste bioenergy sector, both in a managerial and advisory capacity. After studying geography with minors in public law and politics, Mark began his career in the consulting business in 2000. In 2005, Mark founded ecoprog and has since acted as Managing Director of the company. During this time, he also took responsibility for several waste market projects such as market assessment and due diligence, modelling of future waste streams, feedstock potential for waste-to-energy and bioenergy projects, or sewage sludge market development. Under Mark`s leadership ecoprog has grown to a well-known market insider of the global waste and bio markets, offering both, individual advisory as well as market intelligence products.

Practical Example: Can WtE compete with Landfills?

Guillaume Gilles, Director Project Development, Kanadevia Inova

Dr Siegfried Scholz is industrial engineer by education. He did his phD in power plant engineering in the field of two-phase separation in 1994.

After various roles in application engineering and sales management in the boiler and combustion industries, where he was responsible for technical sales of industrial boilers, process burners, flares and thermal oxidisers, he served in various management roles and became Managing Director for Standardkessel Baumgarte in 2012. In 2020 he had been elected president for ESWET, a role he continues to fill after moving on to Kanadevia Inova in 2024 where he now serves as Country President Germany.

Feasibility of Pre-Sorting + Chemical Recycling


Chemical Recycling

Geert Torremans, Indaver, Belgium

Panel: Looking into the Crystal Ball

Paul De Bruycker, CEWEP President

Dr Lars Börger studied Chemistry and General Management in Bielefeld, Marburg and St. Gallen and holds a PhD in Material Science from the Max-Planck-Institute for Colloids and Interface Science. He worked with BASF for 17 years in Germany and China in the field of Polymer Research, Specialty Chemicals and Biopolymers in leading positions, incl. the initiating first lead for mass balancing and the global responsibility for the biopolymers business, before joining Neste to build up the business of renewable and circular feedstock for the chemical industry. He founded Neste Germany, is book author and was member of the board of the European Bioplastics as well as the Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI). Since May 2024 he is running his own consultancy Re+Spire Beratung, that targets to support the transformation towards circular bioeconomy and worked with clients such as Vioneo (part of A.P.Moeller Holding) and BASF. Since March 2025 he is CEO of nova institute, the leading think tank for circular economy.

Everyday WtE Communication

Community Relations and Impacts on Business and Operations

Silvia Collazo, Communication Manager, Indaver, Belgium

Andrius Kasparavičius, Senior Public Relations Consultant, Gren, Lithuania

Communication Strategy of a New Plant

Marta Bańka, Spokesperson, Gdánsk PCE WtE plant, Poland

Comedian’s Perspective on Waste-to-Energy

Gregory Shapiro, Comedian, American, Dutchman. (And the voice of the ‘Netherlands Second’ video with over 50 million views online.) Shapiro was the host of Comedy Central News: “because Dutch news is news too.” His standup specials have appeared on Dutch BNN-VARA and HumorTV. And he helped establish the Amsterdam comedy theater Boom Chicago, which launched the careers of alumni like Seth Meyers, Jordan Peele and the creators of Ted Lasso.



Moderator Congress Day

Katarina Sundberg is a legal expert in Public Affairs & Environmental Policy with a master’s degree in law from Stockholm University. With extensive experience in governmental affairs, she has served as a senior adviser in Sweden’s Government Offices, focusing on environmental sustainability, municipal responsibilities, and legislative frameworks. Her expertise extends to parliamentary work, having contributed to policy development in the Swedish Parliament’s Environment and Agriculture Committee.

Katarina has a background in international negotiations, having represented Sweden within the EU and globally. From 2016 to 2019, she held the role of Secretary-General for Sweden’s Agenda 2030 Delegation, leading the Swedish implementation the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Since 2020, Katarina has been serving as a Senior Public Affairs Officer at Avfall Sverige – Swedish Waste Management – where she continues to drive policy initiatives in waste management and sustainability. Avfall Sverige has 400 members from both the public – all municipalities as well as municipal companies – and the private waste management sectors.


Dr Ella Stengler is the Managing Director of CEWEP (the Confederation of European Waste-to-Energy Plants) since July 2003.

She is dealing with European and Public Affairs, European policy and legislation on waste, environment, emissions, energy, climate etc.

Before working for CEWEP, Ella was the Managing Director of ITAD, the German association of Waste-to-Energy Plants, and prior to that she was the Director of AGS the German association of hazardous waste companies (public private partnership).

Ella has published several articles in German and International journals.

She studied law in Germany and France.

Technical Seminar

PFAS Going to WtE

N.N., Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (TBC)

PFAS Restriction Proposal

Julia Vogel, Environmental Protection Agency – UBA, Germany

Thijs de Kort, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment – RIVM, the Netherlands (TBC)

Measurement Methods of PFAS Emissions to Air


Jelle Hofman, Ph.D. in bioscience engineering and R&D researcher at the Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO) since 2021, working on (i) innovative environmental sensing applications for legislative (PM, NO2, O3) and emerging contaminants (BC and UFP) and (ii) methodological developments for PFAS monitoring in air emissions (stack monitoring), ambient air and dry/wet air deposition. Over 10 years of experience in the environmental monitoring field, from varying academics (postdoc University of Antwerp, BE), policy (Flanders Environmental Agency, BE) and technological/industrial (R&D at imec, NL and VITO, BE) perspectives. Recent CEN TC264 member involved in the new PFAS working group (WG 48).

Fate of Fluoropolymers in WtE

Hans-Joachim Gehrmann, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Impact of Carbon Capture on PFAS in WtE

Earl Goetheer, Technical University Delft

Sludge Incineration and Degradation of PFAS at Mølleåværket

Birgitte Holm Christensen, NIRAS/Danish Environmental Protection Agency

Panel: Practical Experience of Measurements & Measurement Campaigns

Ragnar Warnecke, GKS Schweinfurt, Germany

Andres Van Brecht, Indaver, Belgium

Gabriel Volcovschi, Secretary General, French WtE Association – SVDU, France


Åsa Benckert currently works as a Senior Environmental Engineer at Umeå Energi, a municipally owned energy company located in the city of Umeå in the north of Sweden. She has a background as a Master of Science in Environmental Planning and has been working with the environmental issues concerning waste-to-energy for close to 30 years. Main focus today is on legislation, both Swedish and European such as the IED and BAT.

She is involved in Avfall Sverige, Swedish Waste Management, and a working group on emissions.

Umeå Energi has an ongoing cooperation with the university of Umeå and through collaborating with the Industrial Doctoral School she is the external supervisor for two PhD students. The subjects are “Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in municipal solid waste and their fate in incineration” and “Online determination of fossil carbon dioxide emissions in incineration plants”

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at